
Watch quality films online

Edisonline has so much to offer

1000+ films in the video library
2 online TV channels – Film Europe and Film Europe+
Full HD broadcasting
ability to watch films on your computer, mobile phone, or tablet
new films every month
You will find hundreds of quality films in Edisonline's library. As a bonus, you'll also get two film-oriented TV channels. For new releases, head over to our virtual auditorium.

Choose the subscription that best suits your needs: Register

What's new in the video library

Other films in the library

Get comfortable in our virtual auditorium

The cinema that comes to you. The latest festival films that you won't find anywhere else. Choose a film, buy a ticket, and, most importantly, don't be late - the screening starts at the scheduled time. Just as when you're in the cinema, you can't pause the film or watch it later.
Virtual cinema programme
The #kinaspolu project connects multiple cultural areas through one programme. You can look forward to 2 good films every day.

Need help with online films? Leave us your contact information and we'll get in touch.
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