October 1989. Faced with an unwanted pregnancy, the young drama student Anne wants to leave East Berlin with forged papers to live with her mother in the West. When her father Otto, a well-known, honored East-German actor and impersonator of the GDR General Secretary of the Central Committee Erich Honecker, gets wind of her plans, he rips up her fake passport to save her from herself. To get new papers, Anne and the young civil rights activist August drive to Leipzig for a Monday demonstration. There are rumors that tanks are to drive through the protest. Matti, father of the unborn child, is unaware of their plans but follows them relentlessly. Otto learns of his daughter’s daring intentions and resolves to dress up as Honecker to try and get the central committee to stop the tanks. As Anne, August and Matti are pursued by the ever tightening grip of State Security agents, Otto finds himself believed by high-ranking party members. He has to keep up his charade as the tanks draw closer to Leipzig.